Universal Imaging Industries
Helping your business grow
Latest News

MS/MX Chips Now Available.

Each chip is individually
tested before it is packaged. This level of quality control gives us the most reliable products in the industry. Although UII has stringent quality control measures in place it is the customers responsibility to post test their cartridges before shipping.
Custom Chip Development
We design and build our products from the ground up. This allows us to provide our customers with a reliable product accompanied with our superior technical
support team. We work hand in hand with our customers to offer them custom chips with additional functionality and also extended yields.
We support and provide products to many of the largest remanufacturers in the world who require IP protection through our multiple US and foreign patents. We also provide the same level of customer service to the small and mid size remanufacturers.

The Printer names used herein remain the property of their respective owners, and are used only to describe the
printer brands our chips are compatible with. Their use in no way indicates any affiliation with Universal Imaging Industries.